If there’s one thing that defines KOIBIRD, it’s that we’re never boring. Our fashion, aesthetic, and our concepts evolve, change – and always excite. But we are nothing without our consumers. So, who are they? They’re bold, intelligent, and want what they wear to not only make a unique statement, but to make them feel fabulous too.
OuR mANifEsTO : kOiBIrD bRIngS tHe dRAma!
All you need to know about our latest concept

Words by Flora Macdonald Johnston

Enter the legendary Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar, whose films champion women, subverting conventions to make them – with all their strengths, weaknesses, heartbreaks, and triumphs – the centre of each narrative. Ultimately, this mirrors our views at KOIBIRD: it’s similarly strong, defiant women that embody our brand and shape our identity. It should be of no surprise, then, that our new concept ‘KOIBIRD Brings the Drama!’ was based on Almodóvar's iconic oeuvre – it’s the perfect marriage.

But why this emphasis on drama? Well, drama has many interpretations. At its most basic, it simply signifies a performance. However, in a modern context, ‘bringing drama’ or ‘being dramatic’ has seen a semantic shift. While it was commonly used as a term of derision, it has since been reclaimed as a term of defiance and empowerment. Gone are the days when it was associated with hysteria and insecurity; now, it’s about being assertive, bold, shameless, fun – all the things that some people think are ‘too much’, but we at KOIBIRD can’t get enough of. After all, isn’t this what modern womanhood should be? These emotions embody our new buy, from the voluminous shapes of Kika Vargas to the rhinestones of Ukrainian brand NUÉ and George Keburia’s cut-out tailoring to Gedebe’s bejewelled shoes, all of our pieces scream joy, and yes, drama too – and lots of it.

So, we invite our KOI girls to join us in this ever-evolving movie that is modern life, and ask them to embrace and discover the new contemporary twists on tailoring and partywear - and who knows, maybe your movie will have a happy (and wonderfully dramatic) ending.