Words by Flora Macdonald Johnston
HOt pRinTS fOR
HOt suMMeR DayS
Consider pattern as your wardrobe's nip-tuck for 2022
A good print can instantly lift your mood - and your wardrobe. But there is a trick to a perfect pattern, it has to be loud enough to be seen, intricate enough to actually be worthy of attention (and of course, wearing) but it also needs to elevate the wearer. And at KOIBIRD, with mantras such as ‘Never Boring’, we made sure to select only the very best.

pSyCHeDELic bABy
Prints to fashionably imprint
(get it?!) on your psyche

pSyCHeDELic bABy
Prints to fashionably imprint
(get it?!) on your psyche

fAsHiOn FoRwARd fLOrALs
Florals can look pretty spectacular when done correctly
fAsHiOn FoRwARd fLOrALs
Florals can look pretty spectacular when done correctly

Quirky motifs keep it interesting

Quirky motifs keep it interesting

fOR tHe LovE Of sTRipEs
Stripes are a staple for a reason - they are timeless
fOR tHe LovE Of sTRipEs
Stripes are a staple for a reason - they are timeless